
| categories notes 
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// 静态类型校验
#define TYPE_CHECK(T, S)                              \
  while (false) {                                     \
    *(static_cast<T**>(0)) = static_cast<S*>(0);      \


  template <class S> bool operator==(Handle<S> that) {
    void** a = reinterpret_cast<void**>(**this);
    void** b = reinterpret_cast<void**>(*that);
    if (a == 0) return b == 0;
    if (b == 0) return false;
    return *a == *b;



    FILE* file = fopen(file_name, "rb");
    if (file == NULL) {
        return 0;
    fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
    int size = ftell(file);

    char* chars = new char[size+1];
    int read = -1;
    char[size] = '\0';
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i += read) { // hint: great idea!
        read = fread(chars[i], 1, size - i, file);



// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BitField is a help template for encoding and decode bitfield with
// unsigned content.
template<class T, int shift, int size>
class BitField {
  // Tells whether the provided value fits into the bit field.
  static bool is_valid(T value) {
    return (static_cast<uint32_t>(value) & ~((1U << (size)) - 1)) == 0;
    // hint: value's top (32-size) bits must be zero.

  // Returns a uint32_t mask of bit field.
  static uint32_t mask() {
    return (1U << (size + shift)) - (1U << shift);
    // hint: return-value's shift-to-size(low to high) bits be 1.

  // Returns a uint32_t with the bit field value encoded.
  static uint32_t encode(T value) {
    return static_cast<uint32_t>(value) << shift;

  // Extracts the bit field from the value.
  static T decode(uint32_t value) {
    return static_cast<T>((value >> shift) & ((1U << (size)) - 1));


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
              |               |
          size+shift        shift


0   4   8           256                          1024 (byte)
|   |   |            |                            |
|f1 |f2 |     RSet   |     Object Area            |

The first word(f1) of a page is an opaque page header that has the address of the next page and its ownership information. 
The second word(f2) may have the allocation top address of this page. 
The next 248 bytes(RSet) are remembered sets. 


kBitsPerPointer:32,v8-0.2.5只支持32位机器,因此指针大小sizeof(void*)永远等于4,kBitsPerPointer = kPointerSize(4) * kBitsPerByte(8)。
kPageSize: Page大小,8192-bits(2^13),即8KB。
kRSetEndOffset: RSet的结束位置,512(kPageSize/kBitsPerPointer)。
kRSetStartOffset: RSet的开始位置,8(kRSetEndOffset/kBitsPerPointer)。
kObjectStartOffset: Object区的开始位置。




Smi范围为 -2^31 - 2^31-1。




class EXPORT HandleScope {
  HandleScope() : previous_(current_), is_closed_(false) {
    current_.extensions = 0;


  class EXPORT Data {
    int extensions;
    void** next;
    void** limit;
    inline void Initialize() {
      extensions = -1;
      next = limit = NULL;

  static Data current_;
  const Data previous_;


class HandleScopeImplementer {

  List<void**> blocks;
  Object** spare;
  int call_depth;
  // Used as a stack to keep track of entered contexts.
  List<Handle<Object> > entered_contexts_;
  // Used as a stack to keep track of saved contexts.
  List<Handle<Object> > saved_contexts_;
  // Used as a stack to keep track of saved security contexts.
  List<Handle<Object> > saved_security_contexts_;
  bool ignore_out_of_memory;
  // This is only used for threading support.
  ImplementationUtilities::HandleScopeData handle_scope_data_;


static i::HandleScopeImplementer thread_local;

List<void**> HandleScopeImplementer::blocks;
void** block;
int HandleScope::extensions;
void** HandleScope::limit;
void** HandleScope::next;

CALL_HEAP_FUNCTION(Heap::LookupSymbol(string), String);


from http://www.jayconrod.com/posts/55/a-tour-of-v8-garbage-collection

New-space: Most objects are allocated here. New-space is small and is designed to be garbage collected very quickly, independent of other spaces.

Old-pointer-space: Contains most objects which may have pointers to other objects. Most objects are moved here after surviving in new-space for a while.

Old-data-space: Contains objects which just contain raw data (no pointers to other objects). Strings, boxed numbers, and arrays of unboxed doubles are moved here after surviving in new-space for a while.

Code-space: Code objects, which contain JITed instructions, are allocated here. This is the only space with executable memory (although Codes may be allocated in large-object-space, and those are executable, too).

Cell-space, property-cell-space and map-space: These spaces contain Cells, PropertyCells, and Maps, respectively. Each of these spaces contains objects which are all the same size and has some constraints on what kind of objects they point to, which simplifies collection.

Large-object-space: This space contains objects which are larger than the size limits of other spaces. Each object gets its own mmap'd region of memory. Large objects are never moved by the garbage collector.

enum AllocationSpace {

#define AAA(V)      \
    V(A1, A2)       \
    V(B1, B2)       \
    V(C1, C2)

#define BBB(m, n)   \
    m * n;
#undef BBB


A1 * A2;
B1 * B2;
C1 * C2;


// Returns true if x is a power of 2.  Does not work for zero.
template <typename T>
static inline bool IsPowerOf2(T x) {
  return (x & (x - 1)) == 0;


class Object BASE_EMBEDDED {
  // Layout description.
  static const int kSize = 0;  // Object does not take up any space.

class HeapObject: public Object {
  // Layout description.
  // First field in a heap object is map.
  static const int kMapOffset = Object::kSize; // 0
  static const int kSize = kMapOffset + kPointerSize; // sizeof(void*) == 4

class Map: public HeapObject {
  // Layout description.
  static const int kInstanceAttributesOffset = HeapObject::kSize; // 4
  static const int kPrototypeOffset = kInstanceAttributesOffset + kIntSize; // 8; sizeof(int) == 4
  static const int kConstructorOffset = kPrototypeOffset + kPointerSize; // 12
  static const int kInstanceDescriptorsOffset =
      kConstructorOffset + kPointerSize; // 16
  static const int kCodeCacheOffset = kInstanceDescriptorsOffset + kPointerSize; // 20
  static const int kSize = kCodeCacheOffset + kIntSize; // 24
  // Bit positions for bit field.
  static const int kUnused = 0;  // To be used for marking recently used maps.
  static const int kHasNonInstancePrototype = 1;
  static const int kIsHiddenPrototype = 2;
  static const int kHasNamedInterceptor = 3;
  static const int kHasIndexedInterceptor = 4;
  static const int kIsUndetectable = 5;
  static const int kHasInstanceCallHandler = 6;
  static const int kNeedsAccessCheck = 7;

0                                                32
+-------------------------------------------------+  <- HeapObject
|                    MapWord                      |
+-------------------------------------------------+  <- Map
| size | type | used property fields | bit field  |instance attributes
|                   prototype                     |
|                  constructor                    |
|              instance descriptors               |
|                  code cache                     |




namespace v8 { namespace internal {
  class Heap : public AllStatic {
    static Object* meta_map_;
    static Object* meta_map() {
      return meta_map_;
  class Factory : public AllStatic {
    static Handle<Object> meta_map() {
      return Handle<Object>(&Heap::meta_map_);



Obball: describes objects null, undefined, true, and false.
0                                                32
+-------------------------------------------------+  <- HeapObject+Map
|                       32x6                      |
+-------------------------------------------------+  <- Oddball
|                      toString                   |
|                      toNumber                   |

undefined_value_ = Allocate(oddball_map(), CODE_SPACE);


Script: describes a script which has been added to the VM.
0                                                32
+-------------------------------------------------+  <- HeapObject+Map
|                       32x6                      |
+-------------------------------------------------+  <- Script
|                      source                     |
|                   line_offset                   |
|                  column_offset                  |
|                     wrapper                     |
|                      type                       |

  // [source]: the script source.
  DECL_ACCESSORS(source, Object)

  // [name]: the script name.
  DECL_ACCESSORS(name, Object)

  // [line_offset]: script line offset in resource from where it was extracted.
  DECL_ACCESSORS(line_offset, Smi)

  // [column_offset]: script column offset in resource from where it was
  // extracted.
  DECL_ACCESSORS(column_offset, Smi)

  // [wrapper]: the wrapper cache.
  DECL_ACCESSORS(wrapper, Proxy)

  // [type]: the script type.


Proxy: describes objects pointing from JavaScript to C structures.
0                                                32
+-------------------------------------------------+  <- HeapObject+Map
|                       32x6                      |
+-------------------------------------------------+  <- Proxy
|                       proxy                     |


JSObject: describes real heap allocated JavaScript objects with properties.
0                                                32
+-------------------------------------------------+  <- HeapObject+Map
|                       32x6                      |
+-------------------------------------------------+  <- JSObject
|                    properties                   |
|                     elements                    |


JSFunction: describes JavaScript functions.
0                                                32
+-------------------------------------------------+  <- HeapObject+Map+JSObject
|                       32x6                      |
+-------------------------------------------------+  <- JSFunction
|          prototype or initial map               |
|            shared function info                 |
|                  context                        |
|                 literals                        |

  // [prototype_or_initial_map]:
  DECL_ACCESSORS(prototype_or_initial_map, Object)

  // [shared_function_info]: The information about the function that
  // can be shared by instances.
  DECL_ACCESSORS(shared, SharedFunctionInfo)
  // Layout of the literals array.
  static const int kLiteralsPrefixSize = 3;
  static const int kLiteralObjectFunctionIndex = 0;
  static const int kLiteralRegExpFunctionIndex = 1;
  static const int kLiteralArrayFunctionIndex = 2;

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